In the city there was an evil villian called Dr Duck.He lived in a factory full of evil servants.On the other side of the city there lived a superhero called Flexi Girl she knew how to save peoples lives.
One day the evil villian, Dr Duck,starts to freeze the whole city and all the people,except for Flexi Girl of course.When Flexi Girl heard the news she headed straight to find Dr Duck.She found Dr Duck in his usual place,his factory full of evil servants,( who always do everything for him).
Dr Duck screeches"Ahh hello Flexi Girl.are you planning to destroy me?because I was going to get revenge on you ."
Flexi Girl says"Ohh so you don't care if I go unfreeze absolutetly every thing in the whole entire city?
Dr D replies''You'd never be able to unfreeze everything no not in a million years it just can't be done no not at all!''
Flexi Girl waves"goodbye.DrDstammers''w-where a-are y-you g-going"?Flexi Girl replies" To unfreeze absolutely every thing" (they argued for hours)
Finally Flexi Girl goes to the city and starts to break the ice .5hours later almost everythings unfrozen.10hours later everythings unfrozen and the citys bustling just like normal.Then all the people in the city threw a Massive celabration!
THE END By Stewart O'steen
Will Flexi girl have any more adventures? Will there be any more villains lurking around?